Trade Show Marketing Service



Trade show preparation goes beyond booking the space floor, flights, hotel rooms and grabbing some brochures.

Trade shows go beyond what a team does while at the show.

Unless an organization knows the process and have a plan, you are at risk of wasting enormous amounts of time and money.

When well planned, trade shows are a fabulous marketing tool that:

  • Generates high qualified, targeted leads
  • Allows companies to meet suppliers and clients (old and new)
  • Lets you understand market trends
  • Creates awareness about products and services
  • Positions your company in the market
  • Gets your company in the place where deals take place

To achieve the business goals and returns on the investment (ROI), a good trade show plan starts with proper planning, including but not limited to defining KPIs, an action plan and project post-mortem.

How can a business make the most of a trade show?

  1. By understanding why they’re investing thousands of dollars  – or they’ll be wasting the time.
  2. By allowing enough time for planning and prepare the right plan – or they’ll be wasting the money.
  3. By setting up the right meetings – they don’t want to leave connections to chance.

These are some areas where NicheMktg can help your business:

  • Trade Show – High-level strategy and plan for ROI
  • Show-specific website content
  • Trade show booth design, displays and tabletops
  • Company brochures and literature that sell the solution presented at the show
  • Print advertising & media placement that is aligned with a show
  • Email marketing – pre- and post-show communications
  • Social media marketing
  • Content marketing
  • Press releases & press kits
  • Digital remarketing
  • Video marketing

Trade Show Training Workshop

What are your KPIs for the next trade show your business is attending?

How are these KPIs aligned with your business goals?

How do you convert KPIs into action?

How to write an email that generates a meeting?

1:1 Coaching

Need better trade show results? Do you have a problem that needs the feedback of an expert?

As a continuation of the work the company performed during the workshop, or to respond to particular needs, we offer 1:1 coaching to discuss the value proposition your members will present at a specific trade show, the KPIs you’ve defined, the action plan and/or the results and ROI.

These individualized meetings ensure the company gets the most from their participation and efforts, pre, during and post-show.

Need New Business Opportunities?

Trade shows offer fantastic opportunities to network, educate buyers and grow a business.

Contact us today if your organization’s members need support to win the battle for the attention of their target market, and generate high-quality, targeted leads.

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